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Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь - pencil


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Перевод с английского языка pencil на русский


1) карандаш, пишущий элемент

2) узкий пучок лучей

carbon pencilmetal pencil

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См. в других словарях

  1) карандаш; 2) пучок ...
Англо-русский авиационный словарь
   1. noun  1) карандаш; in pencil - (написанный) карандашом  2) кисть (живописца)  3) манера, стиль (живописца)  4) opt. (сходящийся) пучок лучей  2. v. рисовать, писать карандашом; вычерчивать PENCIL sharpener amer. точилка для карандашей ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. карандаш coloured pencil —- цветной карандаш eyebrow pencil —- карандаш для бровей in pencil —- нарисованный карандашом; в карандаше drawing in pencil —- рисунок карандашом to mark smth. with a pencil —- сделать пометку карандашом 2. кисть (живописца) 3. манера, стиль (художника, писателя) to have a bold pencil —- рисовать смело his characters are drawn with a strong pencil —- его герои выписаны рельефно 4. опт. узкий (параллельный) пучок лучей pencil of flame —- воен. пусковой факел 5. стеклорез 6. пишущий штифт или перо прибора Id: knight of the pencil —- сл. букмекер Id: the pencil and paper reporters —- газетные корреспонденты 7. рисовать, раскрашивать the pyramids pencilled their fantastic outlines against the sky —- фантастические очертания пирамид вырисовывались на фоне неба 8. писать; записывать he would pencil down his ideas —- он обычно записывал свои мысли 9. сл. заносить имя лошади в списки тотализатора 10. образовывать узкий (параллельный) пучок 11. мед. обрабатывать рану кисточкой ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  (the Pencil) разг. "Карандаш" Прозвище памятника-обелиска Дж. Вашингтону Washington Monument, на Эспланаде Mall в г. Вашингтоне, напоминающего по форме вертикально поставленный карандаш ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1) карандаш 2) карандашный 3) пучок involution of lines of pencil — инволютивное преобразование прямых пучка locally free pencil — локально свободный пучок locally orientable pencil — локально ориентируемый пучок pencil beam antenna — антенна с игольчатой диаграммой направленности pencil of analytic functions — пучок аналитических функций pencil of geometric objects — пучок геометрических объектов pencil of local morphisms — пучок локальных морфизмов pencil of parallel lines of parallels — пучок параллельных прямых pencil of parallel planes — пучок параллельных плоскостей pencil of plane algebraic curves — пучок плоских алгебраических кривых pencil of regular functions — пучок регулярных функций pencil of relative differentials — пучок относительных дифференциалов pencil of tangent spheres — пучок касательных сфер strictly equivalent pencils — строго эквивалентные пучки weakly damped pencil — слабо демпфированный пучок - abrasive pencil - algebrazable pencil - ample pencil - analytic pencil - anharmonic pencil - antisymmetric pencil - arithmetical pencil - associated pencil - canonical pencil - coaxial pencil - coherent pencil - conormal pencil - constant pencil - decomposable pencil - dual pencil - dualizing pencil - elliptic pencil - flat pencil - free pencil - generic pencil - hectographic pencil - holomorphic pencil - hyperbolic pencil - hyperharmonic pencil - improper pencil - in pencil - indelible pencil - induced pencil - invertible pencil - involution pencil - irrational pencil - kernel pencil - lacunary pencil - lead pencil - matrix pencil - maximal pencil - narrow pencil -...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  (электрографический) карандаш – electrographic pencil ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) матем. пучок 2) карандаш вычерчивать в карандаше 3) кисть (живописца) - aquarelle pencil - carpenter's pencil - clutched pencil - clutch pencil - color pencil - drawing pencil - felt-tipped pencil - fiber-tipped pencil - glass-metal pencil - graphite pencil - harmonic pencil - lead pencil - mechanical pencil - projective pencil - propelling mechanical pencil - refillable pencil - retouching pencil - shorthand pencil - slate pencil - soldering pencil - vacuum pencil - wax pencil - wood-cased pencil ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 (often attrib.) a an instrument for writing or drawing, usu. consisting of a thin rod of graphite etc. enclosed in a wooden cylinder (a pencil sketch). b a similar instrument with a metal or plastic cover and retractable lead. c a cosmetic in pencil form. 2 (attrib.) resembling a pencil in shape (pencil skirt). 3 Optics a set of rays meeting at a point. 4 Geom. a figure formed by a set of straight lines meeting at a point. 5 a draughtsman's art or style. --v.tr. (pencilled, pencilling; US penciled, penciling) 1 tint or mark with or as if with a pencil. 2 (usu. foll. by in) a write, esp. tentatively or provisionally (have pencilled in the 29th for our meeting). b (esp. as pencilled adj.) fill (an area) with soft pencil strokes (pencilled in her eyebrows). Phrases and idioms pencil-case a container for pencils etc. pencil-sharpener a device for sharpening a pencil by rotating it against a cutting edge. Derivatives penciller n. Etymology: ME f. OF pincel ult. f. L penicillum paintbrush, dimin. of peniculus brush, dimin. of penis tail ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English pensel, from Anglo-French pincel, from Vulgar Latin *penicellus, alteration of Latin penicillus, diminutive of peniculus brush, from diminutive of penis tail, penis  Date: 14th century  1. an artist's brush  2. an artist's individual skill or style  3.  a. an implement for writing, drawing, or marking consisting of or containing a slender cylinder or strip of a solid marking substance  b. a small medicated or cosmetic roll or stick for local applications  4. a set of geometric objects each pair of which has a common property the lines in a plane through a point comprise a ~ of lines  5. something (as a beam of radiation) long and thin like a ~  II. transitive verb  (-ciled or -cilled; -ciling or ~ling)  Date: circa 1532  1. to paint, draw, write, or mark with a ~  2. to plan or designate tentatively — used with in ~ed him in as the nominee ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (pencils, pencilling, pencilled) 1. A pencil is an object that you write or draw with. It consists of a thin piece of wood with a rod of a black or coloured substance through the middle. If you write or draw something in pencil, you do it using a pencil. I found a pencil and some blank paper in her desk... He had written her a note in pencil. N-COUNT: also in N 2. If you pencil a letter or a note, you write it using a pencil. He pencilled a note to Joseph Daniels. VERB: V n to n • pencilled ...folded notepaper with the pencilled block letters on the outside. ADJ ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a narrow pointed wooden instrument, used for writing or drawing, containing a thin stick of a black or coloured substance  (written in pencil | drawn with a pencil | a pencil sketch) 2 a pencil of light a narrow beam of light beginning from or ending in a small point  (- see also eyebrow pencil) ~2 v pencilled, pencilling BrE penciled, penciling AmE to write something or make a mark with a pencil  (Mark pencilled a note to his wife.) pencil sb/sth in phr v to include someone or something in a list or an arrangement, knowing that this might have to be changed later  (Let's pencil in Friday at 10 for the meeting.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - c.1325, from O.Fr. pincel "artist's paintbrush," from L. penicillus "paintbrush, pencil," lit. "little tail," dim. of peniculus "brush," itself a dim. of penis "tail." Meaning "graphite writing implement" apparently evolved late 16c. Slang pencil-pusher "office worker" is from 1881; pencil neck "weak person" first recorded 1973. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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